Spring Elections in the Northwoods

Today, February 15th, is Spring elections in the Northwoods.
We visited county websites to provide you with voting information, and here’s what we found:
- Forest County – http://www.co.forest.wi.gov/docs_by_cat_type.asp?doccatid=320&locid=145
- Lincoln County – https://co.lincoln.wi.us/county-clerk/page/elections
- Oneida County – https://www.co.oneida.wi.us/government/election-information/
- Price County – https://www.co.price.wi.us/317/Elections
- Vilas County – https://www.vilascountywi.gov/residents/elections/election_results.php#outer-1120sub-1179
If your county isn’t listed, we didn’t find any information.
Visit the https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/ website for all Wisconsin voting information.